Photo by Suhyeon Choi on Unsplash
During the week of July 21—27, we will be supporting Love Life Ministries in their efforts to create a culture of life that will end abortion and the orphan crisis. Love Life does not focus on political action or protest but instead works with local churches, who are uniquely equipped to share the hope that is found in Jesus Christ. Love Life supports churches as they care for both men and women through crisis pregnancies and post-abortive healing and restoration.
Here at Faith, the week will begin with a presentation in the Sunday service that describes Love Life’s ministry and presents ways that the church can be involved. Throughout the week, we will focus on prayer for the preborn and their families, with a special day of prayer and fasting on Wednesday. On Saturday, July 27, at 9:00 A. M., we will meet at the Planned Parenthood at 728 S. Beaver Street in York for a prayer walk. While this technically is the end of the adoption week, Love Life offers additional opportunities to continue supporting the ministry:
Prayer Walk Championship: Help the Church run to the scene in prayer as a Committed Walker, Volunteer, or Prayer Intercessor.
Life Discipleship Mentorship: Befriend, equip, and do life with families choosing LIFE.
Financial Partnership: Invest monthly to help bring HOPE and HELP to families across the nation and beyond.
Sidewalk Outreach: Offer HOPE and HELP to families as they arrive at the abortion center.
Orphan Care: Advocate for children in need of a family to be placed in godly homes.
Please join us during this week (and beyond) in affirming God’s precious gift of life.