Photo by Christian Erfurt on Unsplash
We regularly receive updates from the missionaries we support and are often encouraged to hear how God is moving and touching people’s lives. Sometimes, though, the updates are of a different nature, as is this one that we recently received:
Last week was a difficult week for us. I find it hard to even begin to explain to you all why. It was just one of those weeks where we felt like our presence here, our witness, our pouring out of ourselves, sacrifice after sacrifice just didn’t amount to anything. Our employees had nothing but complaints and grumpy attitudes and nothing we did (no matter how much it cost us physically or financially) seemed to be enough. It was a week of remembering why we actually came to this place. I found myself screaming in my heart at these people we have come to serve… “Don’t you know what it has cost our family to be here? Do you really think I appreciate being the center of your jokes? Do you think I enjoy studying every day, slaving at learning this God-forsaken people’s language? Don’t they know what we have sacrificed for them? They are the most ungrateful people! They don’t deserve…” And it is ALWAYS when I come to this place… “They don’t even deserve the Good News!” that I am stopped mid-sentence. No, they don’t deserve it. But neither did I. And no, they will never know what it cost our family, nor will they understand and maybe never appreciate what our family has given. But that doesn’t matter when we are living out in obedience to God. It doesn’t matter when our sacrifice is for Him. The ways we are spent are for Him…For His glory… and my good works will not save anyone. He will. Praise be to God! He does the saving! What a burden lifter. Thank you, Jesus, for reminding us of why we have come to this place. It is all for YOU! And with that perspective, we can encounter all sorts of unkindness, ungratefulness and mistreatment; because it is for Him. And there is nothing we will ever suffer that is greater than the suffering He did on our behalf.
Many missionaries have felt (or are feeling) this way, but perhaps you are going through a similar experience. Perhaps you are equally frustrated with family members, colleagues at work, or even people at your church. As you ponder this missionary’s experience, please continue to pray for all those who may be wrestling with similar thoughts and feelings. The struggle is real, but His grace is greater!
“He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.”